RADLA 2014 Congress
Santiago, Chile
May 4, 2014
The International congress RADLA Santiago took place on May 2-5, 2014, and gathered more that 2,300 dermatologists from LatinoAmerica and their 10 official guests came from USA, Italy and Chile (http://radla2014.com/wp/)

“We are performing more precise and earlier diagnoses”
Even though she is a radiologist and not a dermatologist, doctor Ximena Wortsman is the only Chilean included among the 10 official guests to the XXXII RADLA Santiago 2014 (Annual Meeting of LatinoAmerican Dermatologists). On Saturday, May 3, at 11:00 am, she will present her plenary lecture “New Applications of Color Doppler Ultrasound in Dermatology”.
The reason? The support that color Doppler ultrasound provides to dermatology for knowing “what is happening below and the clinician cannot detect” which can result in better diagnoses.
The director of the Institute for Diagnostic Imaging and Research of the Skin and Soft Tissues (IDIEP) explained that “color Doppler ultrasound is used in a wide range of dermatologic lesions that include benign and malignant tumors, inflammatory diseases, lesions of the nail or scalp, among others. In this lecture she will provide information on the latest applications that have been generated in Chile, from our experience”.
For example, we use ultrasound in the diagnosis and monitoring phase of common inflammatory diseases which is important because we can help to avoid serial biopsies and also help with the cosmetic prognosis of the patient. Besides this, we have novel applications of the use of ultrasound in basal cell carcinoma which is the most frequent (skin) cancer in human beings.
“The expert in radiology occupies a special place in the congress because for dermatology this represents an important contribution that has caused a revolution because it shows us things inside, that we cannot see from outside“ said the president of the RADLA 2014 congress Dr. Ivan Jara.
Dr Wortsman explained that the “objective of imaging is to provide useful information that a well trained clinician, however good, cannot detect from the physical examination. So we can reveal the hidden part of the problem. Our work is also to detail the anatomical findings in such a way that this ultrasound analysis may be reproducible in the future”.
“I believe that my specialty has helped because we are giving more precise and earlier diagnoses and in that sense imaging can be a great support to the clinical work”.
Dr Ximena Wortsman affirmed that the back up from the dermatology field has allowed her to carry out better work and progress professionally, adding that this great collaboration between the dermatologic and imaging field should be maintained and deepened.
“I have had the great luck to have the luxury of the support of the high level of Chilean dermatology which has been fundamental for the development of this work. The idea is to generate teams where there is fusion between the information provided by imaging or radiology and clinical dermatology, since this is fundamental for further advances” Dr. Wortsman concluded.